Friday 17 July 2015

Barcelona - initial thoughts

Attending a conference for work in Barcelona later in the year, so seriously thinking about driving down in the Zero.

The schedule will be something like: 3 days south, 3 days at the conference, 3 days north; approx. 900 miles each way.

The Route through France pretty much decided, still thinking about the Pyrenees...
I'll probably work out some towns as waypoints and wing it in between.

...a trip badge is a must have!
Helps keep the project momentum going, the font called 'Matador' which seems appropriate.

On the car...

...and SatNav splash screen...

Pre trip to do list:

  1. Learn basic Spanish :)
  2. New more robust half hood
  3. Adjust headphone circuit
  4. Get tracking laser aligned
  5. ...

Friday 3 July 2015

Passenger Foot Rest

Long runs, passenger side, while the seat is comfy you cant touch the end of the footwell and brace your feet against anything.

Modded an off the shelf rally co-driver foot rest to fit using a cardboard template for the floor space, to measure foot position, and another to work out the cutouts to miss footweel chassis tubes. A strip of velcro under the bottom front edge fastens it to the floor carpet and will leave it removable to adjust if need be.

Its not going anywhere: bottom front edge velcro to the carpet, bottom back edge butts against the chassis tube, left edge against the side chassis tube and top corners pushed against the side panels.

Tidy, wife happy, job done.